Maintenance of the Cruisemaster Components


Ensure the safety and reliability of your offroad suspension system by following these routine maintenance recommendations.

The Cruisemaster suspension and hitch are key elements of the camper, and provide a lot of the ‘off road’ cred of both models. Keeping them in good shape is paramount. They have been designed to give a trouble free life with minimum maintenance. However, to ensure the safety and reliable operation of your systems the following routine maintenance must be carried out.

For the fully articulating DO35 hitch, use a multi-purpose lithium grease, applied with a zerk.

  • Keep the Tow Pin and Universal mating surfaces clean and lightly greased at all times.
  • Check the condition of Tow Pin O-Ring and replace if necessary (O-Ring: BS115 (11/16” x 7/8” x 3/32” (Widely Available)).
  • Regularly lubricate grease points with multi-purpose lithium grease.
  • Periodic adjustment of the Slotted Nut & Pin may be required if coupling ‘Yoke’ loosens in the housing excessively, to be completed by a competent person.
  • Flush with clean water or air hose if locking mechanism does not open fully due to dirt ingress.

For more details and images, download the User Guide and refer to page 6. 

DO35 User Guide

For the CRS suspension, there are a range of checks and service intervals that should be processed at various mile markers. Review them all in the General Maintenance document here: 

Cruisemaster General Maintenance

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