If you’ve gone camping you know one of the more critical pieces of equipment to bring along is a light. Once the sun goes down the camp fire only extends so far, and groping around a duffel bag for a specific beanie or clothing item is wildly frustrating.
The Boreas off road camper trailer solves this issue with plenty of light options, all powered by the solar power-charged batteries housed in the toolbox.
The first thing we tend to open when we get to our campsite is the galley to grab a snack after the drive. If it’s dark already we’ve got the LED lights that line the interior, and are on a dimmer switch to give you however much or little light you need. Above you, on the interior of the galley door is a 6500K porch light which illuminates a larger area around the galley end of the camper.
This same porch light is on either side of the exterior of the camper, to keep camp lit up during dinner or late-night drinks.
The interior of the cabin is lined with the same LEDs as the galley, also on a dimmer so someone can read while the other heads to sleep.
Don’t get caught in the dark again on your offroad adventures. Whatever your schedule, the Boreas Campers off road camper trailer is ready to illuminate the experience!