Camping Accessories : Solo Stove


A smokeless, easy to clean fire pit is one of our favorite off grid camping accessories

The Solo Stove has been a staple at our campsites for years. The stainless steel wonders are designed with air intakes at the base which gives the fire more oxygen. This makes the fire burn so hot that it does not produce smoke. Have you ever been the miserable person that the smoke seems to follow no matter where you sit around the campfire? Then this stove is for you!

We also like it because it makes for easy cleanup in the morning with just a little ash to dump after the high heat burns everything down. You'll want to wait until the fire goes out as the unit stays hot while there's still burning coals in it.

It's also a bit of a stress reliever as you don't have to worry about finding or creating a fire ring to contain your fire, and without embers flying there is a smaller chance of debris jumping out and starting a fire. 

campers around a Solo Stove

Accessorize a Solo Stove with a Boreas XT

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